Welcome to Rino Murata Coaching: Empowering Parents, Nurturing Futures

Welcome to Rino Murata Coaching: Empowering Parents, Nurturing Futures

Empower Your Child's Journey: A New Paradigm in Parenting

Welcome to Rino Murata Coaching, where we believe in empowering parents to
nurture their children's futures through a revolutionary approach to parenting and education.

Meet Rino Murata: Your Partner in Parenting

I'm Rino Murata, a passionate advocate for alternative education and holistic parenting. As a mother to three teenage boys and stepmother to two wonderful children, I've navigated the intricate dance of parenting firsthand. Originally from Tokyo and now residing in Canada, my journey has been shaped by the diverse experiences and challenges of raising a neurodivergent child in a world that often fails to accommodate their unique needs.

A Journey of Discovery and Empowerment

My personal experiences as a parent, coupled with my professional background as a certified Integral Life Coach and Trauma-Informed Coach, have inspired me to embark on a mission to empower parents like you. Together, we'll navigate the labyrinth of parenting with confidence and clarity, embracing the transformative power of a child-centered approach.

Why Choose Rino Murata Coaching?

At Rino Murata Coaching, we understand that every child is unique, with their own gifts, challenges, and dreams. Our coaching philosophy is rooted in the belief that traditional schooling and parenting techniques often fail to honor the individuality of each child. That's why we're committed to empowering parents to break free from the constraints of conventional wisdom and embrace a new paradigm in parenting—one that celebrates diversity, fosters creativity, and nurtures resilience.


We firmly believe in the power of Connection, Communication, and Collaboration in nurturing healthy parent-child relationships. Through these three pillars, we empower parents to build strong bonds with their children, fostering trust, understanding, and mutual respect.

What Sets Us Apart

  • Tailored Guidance: We recognize that there's no one-size-fits-all solution to parenting. That's why we offer personalized coaching tailored to your family's specific needs and circumstances.

  • Comprehensive Support: From traditional schools to alternative education methods like homeschooling and unschooling, we provide comprehensive guidance and support to help you navigate the myriad options available and make informed decisions for your child's future.

  • Holistic Approach: We believe in nurturing the whole child—mind, body, and spirit. Our coaching encompasses not just academic success but also emotional well-being, social development, and self-discovery.

Begin your empowered parenting journey today. Explore our coaching services and take the first step towards a brighter future for your child and your family.

Welcome to Rino Murata Coaching—where we empower parents, nurture futures.

Your Next Step Toward Empowerment